Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Excellent Wife

My husband got me The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace for my birthday. I just started reading it today and was convicted just in the first chapter! God help me. I have not made the ministry to my husband my number one priority. In my heart my kids have come first. I guess I've reasoned that he's grown and can do things for himself. And the kids, well their kids. They need an advocate, an assistant, someone to take charge of their development etc. So I spend most of my time and energy on them. But he has on several occasions told me that he needs me to help, support and assist him. I just haven't taking that job seriously. I think I'm an "ok" wife. And I would say that we have a "happy" marriage. But I know in my heart that there's more. I think also that I'm afraid of being an "over achiever". I wouldn't want to make any of my friends feel bad if I was extending myself in ways that they weren't. But who cares. what they think about me. This is between me God and my husband. After all its by His grace and power that I can be anything pleasing to him, and if any of my Christian friends were to choose to be an excellent wife then He would give them the same grace and power. So there's nothing really special about me. I just want to be all that He intended me to be. And that includes my "wifedom".

So here's my resolve. For the next thirty days I want to put my husband first in all of my activites. Before I do anything, to think of him and what he would say, think or do. I usually do whatever I want with my free time, but I want to honor him with it. If there's something he has asked me to do, than to do it first thing. I take this kinda like a dare. But I really want to see what God will do if I do things His way. Here goes.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Let's get it going

Ok. I know I started this blog almost a year ago. But I'm serious about now. I also want to use this as a place to keep my info for recipes and home maintenance tips. I'd like to set some goals like having a new recipe posted each week. Along the same lines, having homeschool info, marriage info and all others things that pertain to managing a home well. I also like to write, so this will give me an outlet. My first goal is to post something each day. that will get me in the habit of writing and realizing that I don't have to have the "perfect post" to share my thoughts with the world. I want to be transparent and I don't always have the perfect thing to say. But I can share what I know hopping it will touch someone else. Momentum is powerful. Let's get it going.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Hello to all . this is the first post of this blog. My intention is to share things that I've done in my journey as a keeper at home. We live on one income in I have to come up with creative ways to make it all work. I know I don't have it all together, but I would love to share my victories and failures so that maybe they could encourage someone else to never give up. Thanks for reading.